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fallout 4

my factions: the railroad, the minutemen, acadia
fave characters: valentine, dima, piper, maccready, deacon, hancock, codsworth

i generally don't play 3d games or shooter games at all but something about fallout 4 is just so good to me... i love the world it creates with all the little stories hidden everywhere and the questions it presents about morality and humanity. i don't even care about the main storyline lol, i haven't finished the game but i've done probably most of the side quests, built up a nice settlement at starlight drive in, and finished the far harbor main story which is better than the actual main story lolll,,,

it's not very good, but if you like fallout 4 (and posthumanism) you might be interested in this 9 page essay i wrote in 2022 for a class i was taking! it's called robot girlfriends, ai oppression, and our future: posthumanism in fallout 4. (warning, it does contain spoilers, mostly for the far harbor dlc!) it's basically just me infodumping about fallout 4 and the ways synths and robots are presented in it. (i feel strongly about the humanity of synths. if you're in the brotherhood of steel... get out.)

i've also played some of fallout new vegas and i really like it as well! i don't gamble irl but i love when games let me play blackjack teehee <3 my fave companion (from the little i've played) is veronica. i haven't gotten that far in it and am not really able to rn, but maybe one day i will have more to say about it!