
mental heath resource compilation

self care resources:

suicide resources:

this may be controversial but personally i find this type of thing sorta comforting so i'm putting these links here. obviously killing yourself is a last resort and not something you should do if not necessary.

self care apps:

  • finch self care app with a cute pet, a to do list, journaling, and lots of other features. i used it for a while but eventually got out of the habit and haven't used it regularly in a long time. i understand they need to make money but they're putting a lot of emphasis on their paid subscription features now which takes me out of the self care mindset i guess? but it's still a really cute app and worth trying out!
  • daylio mood tracker app, i've tracked my mood every day since i got this app on february 13 2024! it can be helpful to look back and see trends in my mood and remind myself that i have felt better! it also lets you tag activities and things like that as well as write whatever you want so it also helps me just to remember what i was doing on any given day :-)
  • habitica productivity / habit building / to do list app that tries to gamify your life! i don't use this app, i tried it once a very long time ago and i don't think it was that effective for me but it has been effective for a lot of other people so maybe worth trying out again sometime...


i feel like listening to sad music when you're sad can either be really helpful or really unhelpful. there's a balance. on one hand it's good to let yourself feel your emotions and see that other people feel a lot of the same things, but on the other hand it can reinforce the negative feelings and leave you just wallowing. so just make sure that you are mindful of this <3

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idk if it'll hit the same if you haven't watched all of in the flesh but you by keaton henson always makes me cry

i don't even have an eating disorder

no guarantees on the quality of things in here lol it's just anything around the topic of suicide
anything i find relatable to my gender feelings / dysphoria! has stuff by transfem, transmasc, non-binary, and cis artists.

just like, music generally for sad people? idk lol

my attempt to make a playlist that transitions from sadder to happier. the idea is i would listen to it while crying and it would slowly get more upbeat. i haven't actually used it though, i rarely listen to the playlists i make. i also think if someone else wanted to use this they would have to make their own playlist that fits their own tastes