

i am not a poet by any means. i don't think i'm great with words, i like to draw and write down lyrics i like because i can't come up with words of my own. i like magnet poetry (and similar things), though, because somehow the constraints of it make it super easy. coming up with words on my own seems impossible, but arranging provided words into a sentence feels easy. not that i'm making, like, great poems or anything, it's just fun :-)

i love this virtual magnet poetry website (and used it to make some of the poems on here)!! however i find it a lot more easy/satisfying/fun to make magnet poetry irl. i think for me its about the tactile experience, like it feels very instinctual and natural to look at physical objects and arrange them. as much as i love the online world, the tactile experience of creating physical media (collage, zines, paintings, etc) is so different and generally preferable to me. but i think both have their places!

anyway here's a selection of magnet poetry i've made. not organized in any particular way. also you may notice a lot of similar / repeated things because i often make different permutations of the same poem as i work on it and end up liking multiple of them :-) i think they're different enough to all be interesting. you can also see the poems written out if you hover; i've tried my best to translate the formatting!

who needs friends / i have tv watch as i fall / not in love / with you am i lazy / here in bed all day / watch the void on tv / thinking is crying / never a moment of sunshine / but there is light / in dreams how do i love me / do you like me / please say you do do you like me / please say you do / tell a lie or mean it / let me love you // it's cool / not so delicate / i still live whispers flooding beneath my skin / music from the void vision is language / recalling the picture of beauty / dream of ugly shadows you are here / it is out there whisper and weep / shrivel and scream / you are small but you are infinite i am nothing / so small so insignificant / eyes mouth face bloody form / whispers within decaying meat / but i smile love look listen make embrace create touch reflect learn / tomorrow i will fade / but i am alive today am i happy // this is love / always afraid / of my friends // i would stay for you / be there / together through everything / but they never ask // do you understand my empty dreams small deaths / lost friends / what is normal? / what did i do wrong? / what happened? haunted by the eternity of life / forever & ever & ever & ever  &  ever   &   ever
swim in the lake / weak in blue water / stare at the sky / live but worship delicate death ships at sea / through rain & a thousand rocks / still together after a storm / show me it is easy lake trip lust / delicate death of a summer friend / arms and legs / like love but not love please lie / say you love me / need me / i could worship you ships at sea / sweetness on tv / show me it is easy watch as i fall in love / with crying and sadness / and worshipping death i am glass / quickly devastated by the smallest of things / so brittle & weak / easily broken / shattered into infinite tiny pieces / sharp shards crunch beneath your boots life is a garden / and always the moment / live in sky & shadow / smell sun & rain / eat moon & wind / worship the forest sweet creature / savage monster / violence haunts the woods on this small cruel planet / embrace the violence / be a monster / no pure kindness music whispers and screams who am i for you // a beautiful boy / an intelligent girl / funny sweet cute / your favorite toy, companion, best friend // a whiny bitch thats afraid of everything / always outside, behind, around / never happy / too empty, no love eat eggs

background credit: alexis bee